Half Way To One
Here's an update on me... the facts.

- I will be 8 months old on April 6th.
- I weigh ___
- I am ___ tall
- I eat 6 cups of food per day or 2 cups 3x/day
- I am always hungry and eat my food within 10 seconds
- I have had 1 pee accident in the last month
- I like to ride in the car and will sleep during long trips
- I don't like when the car stops too often because I get nervous
- I need 2 walks per day or 1 run per day (all stay and no play makes Eddy a crazy boy)
- I know these commands when I am not being stubborn
- Sit
- Lay (lie) down
- On your feet (lying to sitting)
- Drop it
- Up (jump up to "dance")
- Watch (eye contact)
- Spin
- Stay
- Go fetch
- Kennel (go in my kennel)
- Out (leave room or closet)
- I am working on these commands
- I know what my people mean when they ask/say the following
- "Do you have to go outside?"
- "Where's your toys?" or "Get a toy"
- "Where's your bone?" or "Get your bone"
- "Want to go for a ride?" or "Go for a ride"
- "Do you want to eat?" or "Lunch" or "Dinner"
- "Do you want to go for a walk?"
- "Want a banana?" or "Nanner" (I love them!)
- I will jump up on my people if they start dancing--what can I say I like to dance!
- I still hump occasionally even after being neutered, especially the grandparents
- I walk well with my body harness and I walk terribly without it
- I will pull my people around the yard if I don't have my harness on because I am so strong

- I have a weak stomach and had to switch food brands
- I still have soft poop at times and puke when I eat mulch or certain bones
- I have very stinky gas
- I let my people know I have to go outside by barking at them
- I let my people know that I need exercise by barking at them
- I let my people know that I am hungry by barking at them (see how this might get confusing??? It's like a baby and crying--they know my different barks now)
- I don't like when my people are on the computer, watching TV or are stationary at all if I have not had enough exercise
- I am not very good at playing by myself. I need to be told to play with my toys or chew my bone
- I love to play fetch
- I can jump really high but am still not all that coordinated
- I follow my people everywhere, even into the bathroom
- I like to counter surf and will steal food (or oven mitts) if I can reach them
- I will always be at your side when you are cooking
- I love to steal socks, underwear, boxers, t-shirts, hats, shoes, pants... basically anything I can grab and drag.
- I like to steal for the keep-away; I don't chew them up, but occasionally I do
- I love plush toys but will eventually rip the stuffing out of them
- I have caused some damage to my people's apartment and furniture
- Small bare spot in carpet where I liked to dig with my paws and bite the carpet
- Chew marks on corners of trim in various places
- Broken blinds (horizontal and vertical blinds)
- Chew marks on corners of end tables
- Wicker around handle of wicker basket chewed off
- Holes in comforter and blanket
- Chew marks on leaning shelf and broken bottom shelf
- Chew marks on drawer handle of dining pub table
- Chewed up corners of rugs
- Ripped upholstery on ottoman
- Chewed up corner of Bruce Springsteen record box set, along with Traffic and The Who
- Probably missing some...

- I don't like the taste of deodorant (Men's Degree to be exact) so my people put that on the corner of the furniture so I don't chew it
- I have never had a bath yet, but it might be time soon. I don't think I'll like it
- I don't snuggle like I used to when I go to bed for the night, but if I sleep in bed with you then we must be touching and you'll probably have to share the pillow with my head
- I go to bed usually every night at 9 PM
- I sometimes have an unsolicited "grand finale" before I go to bed for the night where I sprint throughout the apartment (we need to capture this on video...)
- I like to sleep on the chair or on the end of the couch. If someone is in my spot then I will bark and annoy you until you get up then I'll steal your spot.
- I sleep in my kennel overnight but once in awhile I get to sleep in the bed
- I am very good in my kennel but will start to whine between 8-9 AM to be let out
- I have been in my kennel for 9 hours at the longest when my people are at work but that doesn't happen very often
- I like to watch birds and other dogs outside through the window
- I love other dogs, but other dogs don't always like me
- I have never met a cat
- I think almost everyone in the apartment complex knows my name, probably because...
- I am very handsome :)
Oh Eddy! I'd love to see this "grand finale"!