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Monday, March 24, 2014

Weim Humor

Got the Monday blues???  Here's a little humor to lighten up your day :)

The funniest part is that it's true... who likes to be alone? Not weimaraners!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Phone Dump

Mom's first picture on her new iPhone!

Lazy Saturday visiting my Aunt Chloe

At my Aunt Amy's house for her gender reveal party--I chose boy (see my blue bow tie)
......I was right :)

Always at attention (there must have been food involved)

Now that it's warmer people are emerging from hibernation and I love watching them walk by

Typical Eddy sleeping picture

I really think I'm human sometimes

I've been more snuggly since I've been getting more exercise!

First 40 degree weather and walking on the path along Lake Mendota on campus

First 50 degree weather and walking on the path to Sun Prairie with mom

Laying in the bathroom while mom and dad get ready to go out to eat

Big yawn 

Probably staring at the back of mom's head while she's on the computer

Watching my people while they watch some NCAA basketball

Half Way To One

Here's an update on me... the facts. 

  • I will be 8 months old on April 6th. 
  • I weigh ___
  • I am ___ tall
  • I eat 6 cups of food per day or 2 cups 3x/day
  • I am always hungry and eat my food within 10 seconds
  • I have had 1 pee accident in the last month
  • I like to ride in the car and will sleep during long trips
  • I don't like when the car stops too often because I get nervous
  • I need 2 walks per day or 1 run per day (all stay and no play makes Eddy a crazy boy)
  • I know these commands when I am not being stubborn
    • Sit
    • Lay (lie) down
    • On your feet (lying to sitting)
    • Drop it
    • Up (jump up to "dance")
    • Watch (eye contact)
    • Spin
    • Stay
    • Go fetch
    • Kennel (go in my kennel)
    • Out (leave room or closet)
  • I am working on these commands
    • Leave it
    • Off
    • Walk nice
  • I know what my people mean when they ask/say the following
    • "Do you have to go outside?"
    • "Where's your toys?" or "Get a toy"
    • "Where's your bone?" or "Get your bone"
    • "Want to go for a ride?" or "Go for a ride"
    • "Do you want to eat?" or "Lunch" or "Dinner"
    • "Do you want to go for a walk?" 
    • "Want a banana?" or "Nanner" (I love them!)
  • I will jump up on my people if they start dancing--what can I say I like to dance!
  • I still hump occasionally even after being neutered, especially the grandparents
  • I walk well with my body harness and I walk terribly without it
  • I will pull my people around the yard if I don't have my harness on because I am so strong 
  • I have a weak stomach and had to switch food brands
  • I still have soft poop at times and puke when I eat mulch or certain bones
  • I have very stinky gas
  • I let my people know I have to go outside by barking at them
  • I let my people know that I need exercise by barking at them
  • I let my people know that I am hungry by barking at them (see how this might get confusing??? It's like a baby and crying--they know my different barks now)
  • I don't like when my people are on the computer, watching TV or are stationary at all if I have not had enough exercise
  • I am not very good at playing by myself. I need to be told to play with my toys or chew my bone
  • I love to play fetch
  • I can jump really high but am still not all that coordinated
  • I follow my people everywhere, even into the bathroom
  • I like to counter surf and will steal food (or oven mitts) if I can reach them
  • I will always be at your side when you are cooking
  • I love to steal socks, underwear, boxers, t-shirts, hats, shoes, pants... basically anything I can grab and drag. 
  • I like to steal for the keep-away; I don't chew them up, but occasionally I do
  • I love plush toys but will eventually rip the stuffing out of them
  • I have caused some damage to my people's apartment and furniture
    • Small bare spot in carpet where I liked to dig with my paws and bite the carpet
    • Chew marks on corners of trim in various places
    • Broken blinds (horizontal and vertical blinds)
    • Chew marks on corners of end tables
    • Wicker around handle of wicker basket chewed off
    • Holes in comforter and blanket
    • Chew marks on leaning shelf and broken bottom shelf
    • Chew marks on drawer handle of dining pub table
    • Chewed up corners of rugs
    • Ripped upholstery on ottoman
    • Chewed up corner of Bruce Springsteen record box set, along with Traffic and The Who
    • Probably missing some...
  • I don't like the taste of deodorant (Men's Degree to be exact) so my people put that on the corner of the furniture so I don't chew it
  • I have never had a bath yet, but it might be time soon. I don't think I'll like it
  • I don't snuggle like I used to when I go to bed for the night, but if I sleep in bed with you then we must be touching and you'll probably have to share the pillow with my head
  • I go to bed usually every night at 9 PM
  • I sometimes have an unsolicited "grand finale" before I go to bed for the night where I sprint throughout the apartment (we need to capture this on video...)
  • I like to sleep on the chair or on the end of the couch. If someone is in my spot then I will bark and annoy you until you get up then I'll steal your spot. 
  • I sleep in my kennel overnight but once in awhile I get to sleep in the bed
  • I am very good in my kennel but will start to whine between 8-9 AM to be let out
  • I have been in my kennel for 9 hours at the longest when my people are at work but that doesn't happen very often
  • I like to watch birds and other dogs outside through the window
  • I love other dogs, but other dogs don't always like me
  • I have never met a cat
  • I think almost everyone in the apartment complex knows my name, probably because...
  • I am very handsome :)

The Day I Was Neutered

In late February, my people had me neutered.  I had no idea what I was in for that day.  My mommy had to drop me off at the vet at 7AM.  I started out very excited since I love to go for car rides.  However, when we pulled into the vet I knew something was up!  I don't mind going to the vet... I think it'll be a different story next time we visit though.  My mommy had to fill out some paperwork at the desk.  We were both very stressed at this point.  I was getting manic and pulling on my leash a lot--I didn't have my harness on so I was way stronger than my mom and she couldn't concentrate to complete the paperwork.  I think she was also annoyed that the vet tech was not helping at all!  After my mom finally signed the papers, the tech took me to get my weight and told my mommy that they would call by noon.  My mom said that she wanted to cry after leaving me there, especially since as she was walking out the door the tech was struggling to control me while she got my weight.  What happened after that I'd rather not discuss here...

The vet called my people at noon and said that it went well but that I should stay until 2 PM.  She also told them that I pooped while I was there and she was concerned because it still looks very soft so she wanted to repeat the stool culture that I had done a few months ago.  (I think I'm beginning to be a very expensive puppy...)  My people came right at 2 PM and not a minute later to bring me home!  I was in the back in a kennel but could hear their voices and started whining and barking.  They knew it was me, too, and my daddy said he wanted to run back there and let me out right away!  The tech told us that we should definitely keep the cone on me because I was acting so hyper and crazy already while I was in the kennel.  However, when I finally felt safe back in my home I couldn't even keep my eyes open!  My pupils were like pin points and I was falling asleep standing up!  Of course my people thought this was hilarious and took a video of me trying really hard not to fall asleep.  

Here is a link of the video:

Try not to laugh too hard!  Beware of the adorableness!!

I slept for most of the day, but had all of my energy back by the next morning :) So much for thinking that this would make me a calmer puppy.  Joke's on you Mom and Dad! 

I didn't bother my incision too much so if my people were home then I didn't have to wear that ridiculous cone.  I only had to wear it when I was in my kennel alone.  Mommy let me sleep in bed with her for a few nights, too, so I wouldn't have to wear the cone at night.  It was almost impossible to lay my head down with that thing on!  Here are some pictures of me from that day.

My daddy felt very bad about the whole thing 

Trying hard to look alert and stay awake

It was no use...  

Taking advantage of the sedated dog for pictures 

Cabin Fever

We have all been experiencing quite the frigid winter this year with inches upon inches upon inches of snow to top it off.  Obviously, Wisconsin has been no exception.  Carly, Ben and I are finally now recovering from a terrible case of cabin fever!  Frustrations were high among all of us.  I was frustrated from not getting any exercise all day and would find other avenues to displace my energy, many of them more destructive than my people would like... As a result, they would get frustrated with me.  I think my mom very seriously threatened to return me a couple of times--like I said, it was bad!  

Longing to be outside... 

Is winter over yet?  

Please, please, please let's go outside!

Now that the weather is getting warmer I think we have finally come up with a routine.  Two walks a day or one run a day makes Eddy a happy boy!!  I am loving all of the fresh new scents that the melted snow uncovered from the ground.  If you ever see me outside, then you will most likely find me with my nose to the ground (or mulch in my mouth... and if you are with me later that evening, then you will see the mulch on your carpet because my stomach doesn't handle it very well and it almost always comes back out--oops!)

I'm bored... 

There are a lot of paths and dog parks in Madison.  My people need to get my doggy license from the county so that I can enjoy the dog parks though.  Ben brought me there once but was paranoid that every car that drove by was a cop so we didn't stay very long.  I look forward to playing there again soon!  

I might be crazy, but I'm awfully cute! 

We've been playing a lot of tug-of-war and "fetch" in the apartment lately 

Getting warmth any way that I can--Ah, that rare sunshine!

I'm SO over winter!

More posts about our springtime adventures to come...!! 

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday!  I know that I did :)  I spent Christmas vacation partially at my daddy's parents and the other half at my mommy's parents.  My people even took me to my mommy's family's Christmas gathering.  It was a little hectic with all the little kids and another doggy there--but for the most part I was better behaved then on Thanksgiving night!  I slept a lot of the time on top of my daddy on the couch and didn't try to open up all the presents or bother the tree!  Yay me!  Here's to a new year!