Mom's first picture on her new iPhone!
Lazy Saturday visiting my Aunt Chloe
At my Aunt Amy's house for her gender reveal party--I chose boy (see my blue bow tie)
......I was right :)
Always at attention (there must have been food involved)
Now that it's warmer people are emerging from hibernation and I love watching them walk by
Typical Eddy sleeping picture
I really think I'm human sometimes
I've been more snuggly since I've been getting more exercise!
First 40 degree weather and walking on the path along Lake Mendota on campus
First 50 degree weather and walking on the path to Sun Prairie with mom
Laying in the bathroom while mom and dad get ready to go out to eat
Big yawn
Probably staring at the back of mom's head while she's on the computer
Watching my people while they watch some NCAA basketball