layout chevron

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Room to Grow

When my people took me home I weighed 14lbs.  They weighed me the other day and I was about 17lbs.  I will have a vet appointment in a few weeks when I will be 12 weeks old so we'll see how much I weigh then!  My people were worried about my appetite.  At first I wasn't interested in eating and would only eat a little bit each time.  Just a couple days ago I started transitioning to a new food and suddenly my appetite is back!  

I normally eat three times a day, but lately I have been hungry for a small 4th meal late at night.  When my people would feed me before I would take a few bites and walk away from my bowl--they would have to remind me to keep eating.  Now I can barely contain myself and whine when they say it's time to eat!  My people would make me sit and lay down before they would put my food bowl down, but now I sit and lay down without them asking because I am so hungry!  I am eating almost more than a cup of food each meal, too.  I'm definitely a growing puppy!

You can tell that I have a lot of growing to do by the amount of extra skin I have and how big my paws are for my body.  I have lots of extra skin on my back and on the top of my head!

Many people have commented on how big my paws are for a puppy.  I also have very long legs!  My doggy daddy was over 100lbs when he was full grown--so I'm guessing I will be a big doggy, too! 

My people say that they can tell I've gotten bigger already!  They say that I am taller and that since I've started eating better I'm filling out a little more.  How exciting!  They also say that they wish I would stay little for longer though!  Don't they know I can't be little forever??  I'm sick of tripping over my big paws!

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